Psychological and pedagogical program for the development of metacognitive abilities of schoolchildren

  • Chernyavskaya V.S.

    V. S. Chernyavskaya. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Величко Татьяна Анатольевна

    T. A. Sidorova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The data on the relevance of the metacognitive abilities of schoolchildren as the basis of the effectiveness of teaching in line with domestic pedagogy, as well as humanistic pedagogy and psychology, as well as the metacognitive approach are substantiated. The data of pedagogy
and psychology on the role of a teacher in creating training options – meaningless or meaningfulare presented. The source of the meaningful becomes, at least, the provision of choice options to the student, which makes him a subject and determines the presence of conscious
results, and, consequently, metacognitive results. The approaches to the development of metacognitive abilities by modern researchers are considered. The necessity of developing metacognitive abilities in schoolchildren is substantiated, low results of diagnostics of adolescent
schoolchildren are shown, which are performed using the method of M. M. Kashapov. The description of the part of the program on the development of metacognitive abilities in schoolchildren is presented. The effectiveness of the program is shown. The statistical data
on the effectiveness, which are performed using the angular Fisher transform, are shown. The text of the article allows you to use the developed program in other groups to improve the metacognitive abilities of students.